Sunday, 22 May 2011

The Reason for Living? Why?

Why the Reason for Living, you would ask. Well, I'd say it's a modest attempt to share with you my celebration of Life... In all its beauty and hardships and in all its variations...

The appreciation of Life comes to me in the most unexpected moments. Seeing an alley colored by fall in shades of yellow, green and red, a quiet dusky morning when I can still see a piece of mysterious moon looking through my kitchen window, people laughing, a feeling of “togetherness” which you can experience of being close to somebody who shares your world view, just a normal rainy day and then a sudden rainbow in the sky, wind playing with my hair, the magic of human voices... The list can just go on... Such things set my soul on fire. Fire and desire to go on, to share, to give, to live…

It always depends on how you percieve things you would say, right? I do not believe in born optimists, neither do I believe in born pessimists. Sometimes we say the glass is half full, other times we believe it is half empty.. It all depends on our current life circomstances...Life  is a flow and a constant change and nothing stays the same. Our views, feelings and perceptions are always evolving, while the experiences of our pasts loose their sharpness, intensity and become covered with archeological dust of memories.

No matter what happened in the past trusting the process of Life is one of the most important mechanisms of enjoying the present moment and gazing into the future with an inner smile.  Every experience is just a tiny piece in a vast puzzle of Life. All paintings contain shadows of light and dark colors. Similarly Life has to offer everything ranging from ecstatic happiness till sadness that makes your heart cry with tears. Both extremes exist and constitute our puzzle. If you take one tiny piece of puzzle, be it dark or light, it is insignificant and in a way useless. It is only in the connection with other pieces it gains its meaning, for it is only then we can see the whole picture. And maybe, by looking at it times and over again we will start discovering our Reason for Living.

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