Tuesday 24 May 2011


One summer or early autumn day I was on the bus... In the crowd my sight caught a skinny girl who was sitting next to where I was standing. At first she seemed to be just like any other teenage girls, who like to experiment with their appearance in search for their identity. The girl had some tattoos done on her arms. But it were not the tattoos, that drew my attention to the girls’ arm, it was the message that tattoos communicated...

On her outer arm with big black velvet letters was written: “Soulmate, dry your eyes”, on the inner side of her arm the same script stated: “Soulmates never die”.

It has been some years now, since I went off that bus, but the message is still engraved in my mind... I wish I'd knew what experience made this girl put these sentenses on her arm. Who is her soulmate? Does everybody have one? And if yes, what is my soulmate doing at the moment? Are his eyes also wet?..

I guess the fact that we cannot share our expiences totally and completely with another person makes us loan even more for understanding.... an effortless understanding... An understanding that a soul which feels in a similar ways to ours can give us... We loan for situations when we might say nothing, yet we know that a human next to us shares a large amount of our perceptions, view points, visions, ideas, etc. Maybe not entirely and maybe not exactly, but in that moment we feel that our worlds are penetrating each other and there is a common ground... A beautiful experience? Indeed.

Like many goods things in this life understanding is a both way street... The opposite of being understood is of course to understand... A true, sincere understanding, or at least an attempt of such, it is probably one of the biggest gifts we can give to another human being... The beauty of this experience is that we can always give this present in many variations... We can confirm somebody's words verbally... We can show it with our actions... We can experess it in thousand of non-verbal ways. No matter how we do it, the most important thing is we give it sincerely... From soul to soul...

"My soulmate, today, apart from my smile, a sunray and a song of a bird, I give you my understanding... Dry your eyes...wherever you are!"

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